Dog Food With a Touch of Home
Golden Retriever eating from a bowl on the kitchen counter with its owner having breakfast right beside it. Approved by Denise Flaim August 2018. Adobe Stock # 134304909

Dog Food With a Touch of Home

Ingredients: – 1 tablespoon of regular honey – 1 tablespoon of canola oil – 1 egg – Half cup of chicken broth (beef broth can also be used) – 300-400 grams of dog food (wet or moist variety) – ¼ teaspoon of salt – ½ teaspoon of garlic powder – Half cup of milk (use skim milk or low fat milk if available) – Two cups of flour (use wheat flour if available)


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Combine all the ingredients except the milk and flour in a large mixing bowl. Prepare the flour mixture next by mixing skim milk and the wheat flour (or regular flour). Add the first mix to the second mix. Combine both groups of ingredients well until a smooth and even consistency is achieved.
  3. Place small dollops of the mix on a baking tray. Don‟t forget to spray the cookie sheet with non-stick spray. If the dough seems too thin or light, add more flour. You can flatten the dough with a glass or a rolling pin.
  4. Bake the cookies for at least twenty minutes. To test for doneness, try to crack a cookie open. If the cookie is already springy, it‟s ready to serve.

Maple Appetizer

This recipe is suggested for dogs who are just recovering from illness or injury. Dogs who are just recovering usually have low or no appetites at all.

This light and very nutritious recipe will ensure that your dog gets a boosted dose of B-complex vitamins to help speed up recovery. This Maple Appetizer is also a good alternative snack for dogs that are allergic to food items with wheat, since millet is not related to wheat and does not contain compounds like gluten.


– ½ teaspoon of cloves (ground)

– Whole teaspoon of cinnamon

– Half cup of maple syrup – ¼ teaspoon of salt

– Three cups of water – Whole cup of millet


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Brush fresh butter over a medium-sized baking dish.
  3. Cook the ingredients in a saucepan before pouring them into the baking dish. When the ingredients come to a boil, the mix is ready for the oven.
  4. Bake the pudding mix for at least forty-five minutes before serving warm.

About Naimar

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