Don Knowles One of the most trusted test preparation guides in the industry, AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIAN CERTIFICATION TEST PREPARATION MANUAL, 4th Edition, will help to prepare users for the A1-A8 and L1 ASE certification exams.
The guide is highly effective in covering need-to-know information to help users pass their exams. Each Chapter opens with a pretest to explore the depth of preparation that is going to be required to become familiar with the information in the Chapter.
Next the manual describes each ASE task and the essential content related to the task. Finally, each Chapter ends with ASE style exam questions which mimic the questions found on actual ASE tests. The end result:
New To This Edition
- Practice questions match the latest ASE task lists to give users an accurate expectation of the content they will be required to know. FEATURES
- Practice questions match the latest ASE task ASE-style exam questions reflecting the most recent ASE task list test the skills that technicians need to know on the job
- Each book contains a sample test, and additional practice learning
- Includes a brief history of ASE that follows its evolution from inception to the present
- A comprehensive glossary of technical terms helps the readers master important transit bus definitions and vocabulary
- Provides users with a better understanding of their strengths and areas needing additional review
- Content reviewed and approved by master technicians
Final Thought:
This is a powerful test preparation tool, filled with updated task list theory, practice tests, and abundant, demonstrative graphics, which will arm users with the knowledge they need to master the ASE certification exams.