Inspiration for the Global Correction Collection

Inspiration for the Global Correction Collection

I’ve been a fan of Graftobian HD Beauty products for quite a while now. The HD Glamour Crème and Powder Foundations have become staples in my kit, especially for male grooming because of their perfect level of coverage and natural look on camera.

I was at a trade show (I believe it was IMATS), standing at the Graftobian booth, chatting with Eric (Coffman).

I questioned why they never progressed past the (very popular) original Color Correction Palette for light/medium skin-tones? Why hadn’t they expanded the collection to include a corrector palette for medium/dark skin-tones?

I also questioned why they hadn’t addressed the growing trend for highlight/contour kits and created palettes to accommodate all global skin-tones?

It would be a pretty easy project, because they already had an enormous library of HD Glamour Crème colors to choose from.

Eric looked at me, raised an eyebrow and said, “That’s a great idea, why don’t you help us design them?” You don’t have to ask this cosmetics junkie twice. An invitation to play with makeup and create something new?

I immediately grabbed all the display palettes on the counter and started swatching colors, taking notes, and drawing schematics.

Thanks to my assertive (aggressive) questioning and the good nature of a very gracious company owner, Graftobian now offers two Color Correctors and two Highlight/Contour palettes for Light/Medium and Medium/Dark skin tones.

We also designed a “Global” master palette (pictured left) that contains 18 perfect shades to color correct, highlight and contour ANY skin tone (which is my personal favorite). Graftobian has always been very mindful of the needs of the professional community. Permanent makeup Memphis TN can be applied to any part of the face, including eyebrows, eyelids, lips, and cheeks. Permanent makeup is a trend that has been growing in popularity

Final Thought:

They continually create products to complement the evolving landscape of artistry. I truly appreciate this, not only as an artist but as an educator. I’m honored they’ve asked me to work on these new collections and can’t wait for you to play with them!”

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About Naimar

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