How Email Notifications Help You Proactively Manage Inventory

How Email Notifications Help You Proactively Manage Inventory

Every business relies on inventory management. Maintaining the whole business cycle upbeat requires centralized project management across multiple departments within an organization. Keeping up to date with all business activities and maintaining smoother communication between different departments contribute to the success of this cycle. A major source of communication has always been email alerts. One survey found that 43 percent of respondents subscribed to company e-mails, so they would always be aware of all company activities.

In inventory management, how are these alerts useful? Investing in inventory forecasting software can save time, money, and resources, but there are some other ways for businesses to gain more benefit. We will discuss the benefits of utilizing Email alerts for better inventory management and how Inventooly provides email notifications. 

What are some E-mail notifications useful in inventory management

Purchase Order Alerts

Inventory management software especially for amazon stranded inventory must have the ability to manage purchase orders. Not only will they see a reduction in redundancies and an improvement in asset productivity, but their relationship with their vendors will also improve. In most cases, procurement management is handled separately, but in a few cases, it’s integrated with inventory management. When an item’s level falls below a certain point, replenishment is necessary.

It is important to receive alerts on all the activities when you are able to submit purchase orders directly from your asset tracking software. Here are a few examples of what can trigger an email alert:

  • Vendors are awaiting delivery of items that they have requested
  • From the purchase order list, items marked as received
  • Receiving items from the vendor

Low stock notifications 

Low stock notifications have existed for quite some time now. The electronic equivalent of someone screaming from the back room, “We’re out of Adidas shoes”. Stock alerts, or inventory alerts, notify you when your inventory levels have changed significantly or noticeably. While low-stock alerts are often used by businesses, there are other types as well, such as alerts for:

  • Shipments newly received
  • Stocks that move slowly
  • Orders in bulk or in large quantities
  • Point of reordering inventory

Depending on your product, business, and retail operations, you will be able to choose the best alerts for you. Stock alerts are available through Inventooly. When an alert is triggered, a notification is typically sent to a specific person or group of people.

Collaboration among team members is improved

Email-based events can be notified, you can choose which type of alerts to send out, and you can customize the contents of the message. Emails sent across the organization can be customized in any way you wish. You can customize email templates. Your boring emails containing robot-structured content won’t have to go out anymore. You could add more details to it or just make it more exact. Be as specific as you like. Alerts that fail to catch the attention of employees shouldn’t be sent to them.

Alerts about maintenance and services

Maintenance management is the feature that closes the deal for businesses choosing inventory management software. Maintenance reports that include insightful data, preventive maintenance, and timely asset assignments are crucial. For a business to perform preventive maintenance, it must always monitor the working levels of its assets in real time. Inventooly provides you with all of these features. 

Logging asset repairs and maintenance will help you stay on top of things. Apartment buildings with 50 units or more require regular maintenance. In order to ensure your bulldozer is in optimal working condition, you’ll need to keep tabs on its performance. Defective equipment can result in significant losses in a single day. However, the labor will still have to be paid. Additionally, your completion schedule was extended by one day. 

What works? Establish recurring service alerts for heavy equipment and subscribe to email alerts. Be notified when the equipment needs service. Employees can enter service records on the spot. If your asset management solution allows for it, you can also set custom fields that include dropdowns as well as dates for items and carts. Recurring service alerts operate similarly.

Send email to users for delayed shipment

You can use inventory management software to send emails to customers if their shipping is delayed or got stuck somewhere. You can start by apologizing for the delay and mention the exact time and date when the shipment will arrive. You are notified when a shipment leaves your inventory to the customer location, and you regularly receive alerts where the shipment is currently. 

Receive custom reports on a scheduled basis

Using inventory management software, custom reports can be generated and sent to company users. As a result, everyone is always up-to-date on the latest asset data, and the process saves time gathered, compiled, and shared among relevant parties. Business process automation is an excellent way to improve many business processes.

From your company domain, send email alerts

You are able to choose whether to send email alerts from your personal or company email address. Hence, source address spoofing, also known as spam activity perceived to originate from your domain, will be less likely. Your domain will also receive more traffic. 

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You might not consider notifications important if your company is just a few people doing a great deal of the work together. Notifications can help keep accountability at scale as your company grows, and you hire more and more specialized employees. We recommend taking advantage of more structured systems whenever possible, which is why Inventooly has them built-in. If you haven’t tried our inventory and order management software yet, our free trial will let you experience this proactive approach firsthand.

You can learn about people’s identities by using a reverse email lookup. This service can be used by anyone looking for someone using simply their email address. It will assist you in identifying harassers, scam accounts, and phony enterprises. You can look for a person’s phone number, social media profiles, and even their personal history with an email address lookup. Lookup services can be quite valuable because of their strong ties to public databases and search engines.

About Naimar

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