Investor Immigration In Canada – What You Need To Know

If you’re looking to invest in Canada, you need to make sure that your investments are legal. If you’re an investor, this can be a challenge. The vast majority of individual investors who want to buy into the Canadian stock market must obtain a Canada-based corporate or personal visa before doing so.

This article will answer some common questions about investing in Canada as an immigrant and explain why this type of investment is still limited for Canadians.

What Is The Difference Between Investing As An Immigrant And An Investor In Canada?

First, an immigrant can’t buy into the ownership stakes of major corporations. Also, unlike an investor, who can opt to become a “self-employed foreign business person,” an immigrant is required to be a “firm” or “individual” and therefore do business under the same laws as a foreign business.

This means that if you’re interested in investing as an immigrant in Canada, you must first gain approval from your Canadian-based employer.

What Does A Visa To Invest As An Immigrant Look Like?

A visa is a legal document that allows non-immigrants to invest in Canada. There are three types of visas that allow investors to purchase shares in Canadian companies: the O-1, the O-2, and the P-1.

The O-1 visa is the only one that is specifically designated for investors. The O-2 visa is intended for employees of certain types of companies. The P-1 visa is the most common and lets investors buy into the ownership stakes of domestic companies.

When Is Investing As An Immigrant Available For Canadians?

This type of investment is only available to people who are not already Canadian citizens or permanent residents. To qualify as an immigrant, you must have a valid passport or be a permanent resident. A valid work visa is required.

Once you have a work visa, you can apply for an R-1 or R-2 visa. These require you to be actively engaged in some type of business. These visas are only issued for two-year periods, after which time you must apply for a new visa.

Is Investing As An Immigrant Still Possible For Immigrants In Canada?

Yes! There is still a chance for first-time investor immigration canada. The government has made it a priority to increase the number of investors in the country. As of Dec. 1, 2016, any non-citizen who has lived in Canada for at least five years, has a job, and makes $65,000 or less a year is eligible to apply for a long-term investment plan (LTP).

Where To Buy Stocks In Canada As An Investor

Stocks can be a good investment option for an investor who is interested in buying a small piece of the broader market. Major commercial banks, United States corporations, and several large insurers and holding companies are good examples of stocks an immigrant can purchase.

To buy stocks in Canada as an investor, you’ll need to find a broker who lets you buy and sell the stocks online. You can usually find a broker in your region who lets you buy and sell stocks online.


If you’re looking to invest in Canada, you need to make sure that your investments are legal. If you’re an investor, this can be a challenge. The vast majority of individual investors who want to buy into the Canadian stock market must obtain a Canada-based corporate or personal visa before doing so. This is because the country’s securities laws do not currently allow for foreign owners to own shares in Canadian companies.

About Naimar

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